Venture capital in Latam: activity in October 2013
Diego Gutiérrez
Venture capital in Latam: activity in October 2013

Private investment activity such as the private equity and venture capital is continues to grow in the Latin American region, having surpassed in October 2013 the number of operations in 2012.

Ranking of the most active countries: Brazil, Chile and Mexico.

According to the report prepared by TTRecordPrivate equity in Latin America was active this month with around 28 transactions, compared to almost 23 in September. Brazil is once again the most active country, with 162 deals in 2013, Chile 21 and Mexico 14. The evolution of Mexico is surprising, having registered 31 deals in 2012 and only 14 in October 2013.

Most significant investments:

The most relevant investments in the area of venture capital are the capital injections made by the firm Grid Investments in companies such as the Brazilian online platform or the Belgian Camargusdedicated to the development of technologies for the transmission of images.

"We follow the Latin American market closely and we see that funds from American managers are very present. We also note that the investments in venture capital is are oriented towards very similar activities as in developed markets, such as these two good examples: payment systems and video platforms. This is because technology is a global activity and what works quickly spreads all over the world," analyses Diego Gutierrez of Abra Invest.

On the other hand, it also highlights the private equity American Capital International Private Equity Fund VI CIPEF VI) which has agreed to purchase 27% of the share capital of the Chilean company Tanner Financial Services, through a capital increase of some USD 200m. Also important has been the Mexican private equity firm Davinci Capitalmanaged by the entrepreneur Gustavo Tomé, who has taken over the 100% of Reid Mexicoa plastic container manufacturing company, which was owned by the American company Consolidated Container Company (CCC), owned by the US fund Bain Capital.

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