BStartup Healththe programme dedicated to health startups from Banco Sabadell, ha apostado por Doppli Connect, compañía tecnológica del sector médico. La startup ha ideado el primer dispositivo del mercado que detecta y monitoriza automáticamente las contracciones y el latido fetal del bebé sin necesidad de entrenamiento médico previo.
After its passage through the accelerator ShuttleThe company, founded by the architect Roberto García and the biomedical engineer Dr. Jose Alberola-Rubio, has developed all the research at the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe in Valencia.
BStartup will participate in a round of investment in the startup that will reach 250,000 euros.

An innovative product by Doppli Connect
Doppli Connect es una startup alicantina dedicada al MedTech – desarrollo tecnológico para el sector médico-.
Its innovative technology, validated in more than 200 pregnant women, allows to detect the baby's heartbeat thanks to its smart sensors, without the need for gels, so it can be used anytime, anywhere. The device automatically sends the data via bluetooth to a smartphone through the app and in turn to the medical platform where they will be checked by specialised medical staff. If there are any problems, they will proactively contact the pregnant woman.
Every year there are 7 million pregnancies in the European Union, 4.3 million in the USA and 10.1 million in Latin America. The incidence of premature births and miscarriages is 8.3% globally at a total cost to the system of 35.8 billion euros. They estimate that Doppli, with its technology, could reduce 50% of these complications.
The operation
Doppli is one of the three selected in the II call for investments in startups launched by the BStartup programme. The third call for applications closed on 20 May and 146 applications have been submitted and are currently being analysed.
The investment in the startup will amount to 250,000 euros and, as Roberto García comments, this investment will go towards the integration of the technology in a textile substrate, medical certifications and patents, equipment expansion and the manufacture of the first units, which will be on the market by the end of summer 2021.