Telemedicine investment analysis. Toushka Capital invests in Ever Health.
Diego Gutiérrez
Telemedicine investment analysis. Toushka Capital invests in Ever Health.

We analyse the investments made in the telemedicine sector from a corporate finance perspective. Ever Health receives a €425,000 equity investment from a Mexican private equity fund, Toushka Capital.

Ever Health and telemedicine

Ever Health is a Madrid-based company, founded in 2015, leader in telemedicine, especially in children's medicine.

Thanks to the complete and innovative paediatric service (KIDSCARE), Ever Health is able to operate in more than 200 educational centres in Spain, serving more than 40,000 children. To provide these services, they have the most advanced technology, state-of-the-art equipment and medical professionals available in the schools during the school day. KIDSCARE can become a key differentiating feature among schools.

In addition to the services provided to the youngest members of the household, they also have the PEOPLECARE programme. This is a service designed to offer both companies and groups the possibility of having a complete medical service in the office and solve daily health problems. Today, Mapfre offers these services and, in turn, is present in companies and shopping centres.

By telemedicine we mean remote medicine. That is to say, it is often impossible for a patient to go to the hospital, which is why Ever Health has created a method, by means of a video call, with which patient and doctor can contact each other without having to go to the nearest hospital or health centre.


Analysis of the operation

Toushka Capital is a Mexican private equity fund that supports the development of companies with a high degree of innovation and that are committed to society, i.e. that seek the good of society. Also known as Social Impact Investment.

Toushka Capital's objective in investing €425,000 in Ever Health is to boost the internationalisation of the company and the expansion of its telemedicine services. In this way, Ever Health's innovative services will expand throughout the Iberian Peninsula and even Latin America.

Toushka Capital, in addition to working with Ever health, participates in other projects with other companies completely different from each other. For example, they collaborate with Estudio 13, a recording studio, they also invest in Vis-À-Vis, the first interactive digital magazine, free of charge and in Spanish, etc. They do not invest in just one sector, they are open to any type of project.

Other companies in the medical technology sector

GRAILGRAIL develops blood test capable of detecting cancer before symptoms appearUSA$300M21/05/2018
Crescendo BiologicsCrescendo Biologics develops its own drug portfolio based on its VH antibody fragment platform.UK$70M30/04/2018
Iora HealthIora Health is about changing healthcare by changing primary care.USA$100M21/05/2018
LivongoLivongo employs personalised treatments for diabetes and hypertension.USA$105M11/04/2018
Constellation PharmaceuticalsConstellation Pharmaceuticals creates new treatments targeting epigenetic mechanisms in tumour and immune cellsUSA$100M09/04/2018

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