Agtech: Top 5 companies acquired in 2018/19
Diego Gutiérrez
Agtech: Top 5 companies acquired in 2018/19

Baker Tilly has carried out a survey of 1,296 companies in the sector. Agtech.

Below, we take a closer look at the sector and the Top 5 purchases made in 2018/2019.

The term Agtech arises from the combination of the words "agriculture" and "...".technology"Agriculture and technology in English.

It covers a wide range of new technologies applied to agricultural systems.


The evolution of agriculture in the last decade has been very rapid.

This accelerated development has meant that a multitude of new technologies have arrived in the fields, or are expected to arrive in the coming years.

Moreover, the current situation is a time when both producer organisations and agricultural manufacturers and suppliers see the need to incorporate all these new technologies into EU agriculture.


As in many other sectors, inevitably, the future of agriculture is technological.

These technologies include the following:

  • Sensors, Big Data and Management Software
  • Robotics
  • Autonomous tractors
  • Biotechnology and Big Data biological
  • Shared economy
  • Vertical farms for the "Smart City"of the future
  • Cellular agriculture and livestock
  • Satellite technology
  • Inputs and more natural agriculture
  • eCommerce agri-food
  • Traceability

All of them will achieve an increase in agricultural productivity to feed the entire human population while conserving the environment for future generations.


Below, we show the 5 shopping in the sector between 2018 and 2019.


Fertiberia Group is fertiliser and industrial chemicals company, y European Union leader in the sector.

In May 2019 it was bought by Triton Partners by $89,21M.

Triton is focused on investing in companies located in Northern Europe, Spain and Italy. and which have the potential to create long-term sustainable value.


ADM Labs es a leader in the manufacture, processing and distribution of CBD.

In addition, the company offers CBD extraction, distillation and isolation.

It was acquired, in May 2018, by ADM Group, for a sum of $6M.


It is a company that allows to order milk and "groceries" before 11P.M to have deliveries before 7 A.M..

Por la cantidad de $1.94M, Supr Daily fue adquirida por Swiggy en septiembre del año 2018.


AgSync is a agricultural logistics software company.

In December 2018 it was acquired by Raven Industries.

The objectives of the purchase were clear:

  • Improving your platform
  • Providing a seamless logistics solution for agricultural retailers, custom applicators and corporate farms


The company Intragrain manufactures a solution for grain storage.

Its technology combines the connectivity of the Internet of Things (IoT), with bin sensors to protect grain quality and eliminate the risk of spoilage of stored grain.

In November 2018 he bought it Caliana Canadian company which was founded in 1982 as a consulting firm.

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