Accenture makes purchases in the digital world
Diego Gutiérrez
Accenture makes purchases in the digital world
With the acquisition of Tecnilógica and MOBGEN, Accenture increases its capabilities in the ideation, development and operation of new digital solutions. In the words of Juan Pedro Moreno, president of Accenture Spain, Portugal and Israel: "This is the new Accenture we are building, more open, diverse, more complete and full of differential talent".
Accenture buys Tecnilogica and Mobgen to grow in the digital world

In less than a week Accenture Digital announced the acquisition of two companies: Tecnilogica and Mobgen

 Spain's Tecnilógica is a company specialising in the use of open source technologies to develop technology solutions for mobile, web, touch screens, wearables, IoT devices and digital signage services. This company can turn any connected screen anywhere in the world into a communication channel capable of interacting with its environment and offering personalised digital content within a complete multichannel experience, integrating with the world of the Internet of Things.

Located in Madrid, with 78 employees and a turnover of €4 M, it works on innovative projects for major multinational companies as well as startupshelping to develop new digital products and services, combining physical and digital channels.

This purchase represents an opportunity for Tecnilógica, as it will be able to access more ambitious projects from one of the global leaders.

Mobgen is Dutch, although it also has a presence in Spain (La Coruña and Malaga). With the acquisition of Mobgen, Accenture seeks to strengthen its activity in mobile strategy, creativity and technology to develop solutions that drive the relationship of global brands with their customers, employees and partners.

Mobgen, with customers in diverse sectors such as retail, finance and travel, has around 160 employees who develop solutions focused on improving the 'user experience' for both mobile devices and the Internet of Things (IoT). The company integrates these solutions with existing systems, including development and maintenance as a service. This includes advanced analytics to understand customer behaviour and the business contribution of these solutions.

Other acquisitions made by Accenture in the Digital world

Already in 2012 Accenture bought the Spanish company Neo Metrics dedicated to the rapid prediction and analysis of consumer behaviour, in the field of predictive analytical and optimisation models.

In 2013 it bought Fjordspecialising in the design of digital services, the conception and design of any type of solution or application, based on the study of the habits and needs of the end customer. This company had a portfolio of clients such as BBVA, Movistar, Citibank, Harvard Medical School and Nokia. This company had a significant presence in Spain where it had clients such as BBVA and Movistar.


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