3scale and Marfeel win significant venture rounds in Barcelona
Diego Gutiérrez
3scale and Marfeel win significant venture rounds in Barcelona

See on Scoop.it - venture capital ENGLISH

We've been saying for a few months now that Barcelona is shaping up to be an emerging new technology hub in Europe. The ingredients are there: great universities, a young population, affordable living costs and literally a great location and climate.

Diego Gutierrez's insight:

Barcelona has become a focal point for the generation of high-tech companies. An example of this is the two rounds of financing raised by the companies

- 3scale (an investee of Inveready) has raised 4.2 MM$ from US funds.

- Marfeel has raised 2MM in a round led by Nauta.

What is surprising is that startup creation activity is much more active in Barcelona than in Madrid, for example. There are other areas, such as the Basque Country, which, although it has good conditions, still has a lot more to offer in the future.

See on techcrunch.com

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