H1 2014, How is VC evolving in Europe?
Diego Gutiérrez
H1 2014, How is VC evolving in Europe?
 In H1 2014, Venture Capital investment in Europe grew by 27% in the number of deals and 70% in the volume invested compared to the same half of 2013. 

Following the increased activity of Venture Capital Method in the last quarter of 2013, the sector maintained high levels even rebounding in 2Q 2014.

In 2Q 2014, a level of 1.65Bn$ (+23.4% vs. 1Q 2014) was reached on a total of 153 transactions (+61,05% vs. 1Q 2014). 

"Regarding the global innovation benchmark represented by the USA, it is worth noting that it represents a market approximately 7 times larger than the European one but with a quite similar trend in 2Q 2014 with 13.3Bn $ (+41% vs. 1Q 2014) and with 915 operations (+14% vs. 1Q 2014) "comments Diego Gutierrez from ABRA INVEST.

It is worth noting that this development represents a trend that runs counter to that of the investments in seed and angel phase that have reduced activity in the last two quarters after peaking in the last quarter of 2013.

We are preparing a comprehensive report on the development of the VC fund in Europe during H1 2014, if you are interested in receiving it, leave us your email and we will resend it to you as soon as possible.

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