Requirements for beneficiaries
According to the previous call for applications, beneficiaries must be natural persons resident in Spain who are under 40 years of age at the time the application is submitted or legal entities in which the average age of the partners is equal to or less than 40 years of age. These beneficiaries must prove that they meet the following economic solvency criterion: the sum of their assets and rights, including credits to third parties, is greater than the sum of their debts increased by 50 percent.
They must be SMEs incorporated in Spain at the latest in the 24 months prior to the application.
Types of projects eligible for funding
Energía y sostenibilidad (gestión energética, renovables, eficiencia, reutilización agua, etc…).
TIC (tecnologías móviles, gestión contenidos, realidad virtual y realidad aumentada, etc…).
Materiales de construcción (aislamiento, reciclaje de materiales, rehabilitación, etc…).
Humanidadas, sociedad y CC. Jurídicas (living labs, cadena de valor, desarrollo de indicadores, etc…).
Transporte y servicios asociados (transporte sostenible, Orientación al usuario de las TIC, etc…).
Business management (Network infrastructures, software and hardware customisation, IT management, etc.)
Información, etc…).
Accesibilidad (desarrollo mejoras técnicas y tecnológicas, etc….).
Fundable concepts:
Among the expenses fundable we find: rental or leasing costs, other operating costs, including costs of materials, supplies and similar products directly deriving from the activity of the project, Staff costs, consultancy/external collaborations and overheads (maximum 20 % of the total staff costs of the project, without justification).
Characteristics of the aid:
The aid will take the form of repayable loanThe total eligible budget, which may not exceed the amount of the entity's net assets at the time of the application, up to a limit of 1,000,000 euros.
The interest rate will be 0.967 %, and repayment will have to be made within 5 years, including a 2-year grace period.
Estimated application deadline
The deadline for applications has just opened on 02 December and will close on 2 February 2015.
If you think that your company could benefit from these grants, please do not hesitate to contact us. ABRA-INVEST has a team of public finance experts at your service.