What's new in the 2015 Partnership Challenges programme?
Diego Gutiérrez
What's new in the 2015 Partnership Challenges programme?
The Ministry of Economy and Industry announced on 15 January 2015 the opening of the programme Partnership challenges before the end of the month. This programme is the former Innpacto whose aim is to finance experimental development projects carried out in collaboration between research centresThe aim is to promote research aimed at solving societal challenges through the development of new products and services. Let's take a look at the main novelties.

Characteristics of the consortium

The consortium must be led by a company which will be the applicant for the grant. As in the previous call, the total budget of the member companies must be equal to or greater than 60% and that of the research organisations must be less than 40%. The minimum participation per member will be 10%.

Type of aid

Companies will receive up to 95% of the budget in the form of a loan and research organisations up to 100% in the form of a grant. As a novelty, the loan repayment period will be extended to 10 years including a 3-year grace period. The cost of the loan will be 1-year Euribor.

Need for submission of guarantees

In the case of loans, guarantees will not be required when the amount of the loan granted to each entity per project is less than €200,000 or when the amount of the loan per project and total number of beneficiaries is less than €1,000,000. In the event that guarantees are required, these shall be 25% of the amount granted.

If your company has an R&D&I project that could fit into the Challenges for Collaboration programme, we will be happy to help you with its presentation.. ABRA INVEST has a team specialised in public funding with more than 15 years of experience that will save time, increase the chances of approval and find other companies or research organisations to be part of the consortium. If you would like to talk to us about it, please leave us your contact details.


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