In the United States, a global benchmark in technology investment, the financing of companies in the Fintech sector grew by more than 20% in terms of both the number of transactions and capital invested. In Spain, there are also some good startups setting a good example.
Investments in the ICT security sector
Security in the IT sector has continued to experience significant activity in Spain in recent years following major operations such as Panda Software or the presence of S21sec.
Secuoya and Vertice: two ways of leveraging venture capital
The media sector has had two names of its own, Secuoya and Vértice. Both have carried out operations with venture capital that have allowed them to obtain liquidity to fulfil their development plans.
Health care waste: American company Stericycle takes centre stage
During 2012, the crop protection residues sector was mainly driven by the acquisition of shares in the US company Sterycicle. A total of seven transactions were recorded, five of which were carried out by Sterycicle.
Crowdfunding for companies' working capital is born in Spain with Comunitae
Comunitae, pioneer in Spain as a platform for loans between individuals, begins its operations to discount promissory notes to companies and offer a way of financing working capital.
Do investors prefer you to sell to businesses (B2B) or consumers (B2C)?
According to CB insights data, B2B technology investments are growing rapidly, accounting for 70% of the 50 largest deals, up from just 38% in 2011.
Good health for corporate investors
According to CBinsights data, the Novo Group tops the list of the most active corporate investors in the healthcare sector in terms of level of investment and number of deals. Johnson & Johnson and Novartis complete the top three.
Spanish venture capital grows by 41% in number of deals
According to webcapitalriesgo, the number of investment transactions in the first half of 2013 increased by 41% to 468 transactions. Despite this, the volume invested fell by 101bTP1T compared to the same half of 2012 with a total of €92.3MM.
Una mirada al «reconocimiento de voz»
En las últimas semanas ha sido noticia la venta de la española Indisys a Intel. Esta operación no ha sido un efecto aislado: las tecnologías de «reconocimiento de voz» están inmersas en una actividad desenfrenada.
Telecoms step up investment through venture capital funds
La inversión de los venture capital corporativo de las «telecos» están en los niveles más altos en los últimos 10 años. Han invertido $ 1,64 mil mlns en 145 operaciones desde el inicio de 2012.
Private equity leverages corporations' non-strategic assets
Companies have focused their strategies on reducing costs, increasing productivity and improving net profit. But these strategies are bottoming out and companies are opting to slim down structures by selling non-strategic assets to private equity in order to generate cash, and these slimming down transactions seem to be picking up in 2013, with three quarters of those in 2012.
Corporate venture capital resurfaces as it did in the dotcom era
Corporate venture capital has grown by 23% in the US with 1.7B$ of investment and 126 deals. The reasons for the growth are due to both a greater number of corporations with venture capital and a small group of CVCs being hyperactive.