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When are accelerators driven by SMEs?

If you are developing a new business idea, this is good news for you. In Spain, as in other countries, accelerators of technological or innovative start-ups are being born. The origin of these accelerators is very varied, but we are missing SMEs. In order to have critical mass and potential, it would be necessary for SMEs to join together through sectoral associations, employers' associations or similar. 

When are accelerators driven by SMEs?

If you are developing a new business idea, this is good news for you. In Spain, as in other countries, accelerators of technological or innovative start-ups are being born. The origin of these accelerators is very varied, but we are missing SMEs. In order to have critical mass and potential, it would be necessary for SMEs to join together through sectoral associations, employers' associations or similar. 

Is financial innovation born at BBVA?

In 2008, two BBVA executives took the leap into entrepreneurship and set up www.comunitae.com, the first P2P lending platform in Spain. The idea arose from observing this business model in the USA and the UK with the world pioneers www.zopa.com and www.prosper.com.

Is financial innovation born at BBVA?

In 2008, two BBVA executives took the leap into entrepreneurship and set up www.comunitae.com, the first P2P lending platform in Spain. The idea arose from observing this business model in the USA and the UK with the world pioneers www.zopa.com and www.prosper.com.