Obtaining bank financing for a start-up is usually linked to guarantees that are difficult for entrepreneurs to obtain. The ICF helps SMEs operating in Catalonia to solve this problem by granting guarantees of up to 70% for the formalisation of bank loans. The guarantees can be used both to finance working capital and to finance investments.
Guarantees for working capital
- Guarantee amount: up to EUR 5 million per beneficiary and up to 50% of the amount of the operation. They must be new operations or renewals with increased limits.
- Types of guarantees: credit facilities, working capital loans, discount lines, factoring with recourse, reverse factoring, guarantee lines and foreign business operations.
- Term: minimum 1 year and maximum 5 years.
- Avalis / ICF fees: a one-off 0.75% study and arrangement fee of 0.75% on the amount of the guarantee, and an annual administration and risk charge (CAIR) of 1.75% on the outstanding risk of the guarantee in the case of credit or loans and on the total amount of the guaranteed limit for the other lines, at 31 December of each year.
- Guarantees: shared between the financial institution, Avalis and/or ICF.
Guarantees for investment financing
- Guarantee amount: up to 50% of the amount in general and up to 70% for internationalisation operations. The maximum amount for Avalis is €1.5 million per participating partner (or economic group) and €1 million per operation. In the case of ICF, the maximum is €10 million per client or business group.
- Term: between 3 and 15 years, including up to 2 years grace period.
- Avalis / ICF fees: arrangement fee of 0.75% and annual risk fee of 2.25% of the outstanding amount of the guaranteed risk at 31 December each year.
- Guarantees: shared between the financial institution, Avalis and/or the ICF.
If you think that your company could benefit from this aid, please do not hesitate to contact Abra-Invest, which has a team of experts in alternative financing with more than 15 years of experience.
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If you want to know more, or if you think we can help you, do not hesitate to contact us.