4 lines of action:
1) Support for the development of language infrastructures
This axis aims to facilitate the development of processors (entity recognisers, disambiguators, semantic proximity calculators, etc.) and linguistic resources (parallel corpora, dictionaries, taxonomies, etc.) to fuel the development of the Spanish natural language processing and machine translation industry.
2nd) Boosting the Language Industry
The second of the axes responds to the objective of supporting the transfer of knowledge between the research sector and industry, as well as the internationalisation of the companies and institutions that make up the sector.
3º) The Administration as a driver of the Language Industry
This axis proposes the creation of common language processing and machine translation platforms for public administrations. In addition, the policy for the re-use of public sector information (RISP) represents a channel for the development of these language resources.
4) Lighthouse projects.
The fourth axis is aimed at promoting lighthouse projects, which are projects for the application of natural language technologies, initially undertaken by public administrations in strategic sectors (health, tourism and education), and open to future public-private initiatives, which aim to demonstrate their capabilities and benefits, generate industry and create reusable resources for other projects. They will also serve as a learning experience for future developments.
Measures to implement the plan:
Among the measures to implement the plan is the possibility of integrating natural language processing and machine translation within the areas currently funded under the Acción Estratégica de Economía y Sociedad Digital or in the Invest in Spain programme.
In addition, the possibility of support for incubators or accelerators will be explored, as well as twinning projects between small and large companies.
If you have a project in the field of natural language, please contact us. Abra-Invest has a team of experts in alternative financing at your disposal. Call +34 946424142 or fill in the contact form.
acquisitions-empresas-procesamiento-lenguaje-natural/»>Listado de acquisitions empresas procesamiento lenguaje natural
List of investors in natural language