More than 50 companies acquired since 2008
The level of acquisitions produced in the biotechnology sector in Spain has maintained very stable levels from 2010 to 2013. This first half of 2014 has seen an upturn with 7 deals. A good track record of success for investors is important for the sector in order to attract more capital to finance Spanish biotech companies.
The stock market becomes an alternative exit route for investors
Few Spanish companies have gone public in the last few years. Bag since Zeltia was floated on the continuous market in 1991. In 2006 it was Grifols, followed by Almirall and Rovi in 2007. But the emergence of the MAB has enabled smaller biotech companies to access investment to finance the development of their drugs and products. It was the companies Neuron and AB-BIotics that launched the new alternative market in June 2010.
Other related links:
List of investors in biotech companies in Spain
List of investors in biomarker biotechnology
acquisitions-en-biotecnologia-en-espana/">List of acquisitions en biotecnología de biomarcadores
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