Apple has kicked off 2019 with a long list of acquisitions that are driving the inorganic development company, trying to alleviate the stagnation in sales of its star products that we discussed in the Apple's latest assessment.
In this case Apple has decided to diversify and acquire small and medium-sized companies in very different fields, in order to be able to improve the services currently offered and at the same time grow in digital content.
To this end, since February it has acquired four companies that carry out very different activities with the aim of generating synergies and accelerating the company's internal development.
Apple's acquisitions and strategies
En este post analizaremos estas acquisitions y la estrategia objetivo de cada una de las operaciones.
Apple in March 2019 has acquired Stamplay, an online platform that enables the creation of programmes and processes with a very low need for coding and programming knowledge, while being able to integrate them with cloud services.
The company's platform helps the integration, creation and automation of processes by allowing people from diverse backgrounds to collaborate in the creation, use and improvement of applications.
In this case, the acquisition seeks to be able to facilitate the integration of multidisciplinary teams within Apple, helping to avoid limiting the contributions of those with less programming training. A revolution that seeks to promote internal innovation based on diversity.
In mid-March, Apple acquired Laserlike, a small company focused on the search and capture of relevant information for the userbased on cookies, previous searches and set interests.
Laserlike is able to search for information and news of interest to users on a continuous basis, being able to keep up to date with everything that is happening.
The purchase of this company aims to improve the automatic news services that Apple devices offer their users.
The acquisition of PullString is what is known in Anglo-Saxon investor jargon as an "Acquihire", i.e. the aTalent acquisition through a buyout, usually small companies with very talented workers.
In this case, the specialisation of the company's workers is in the voice development for applicationsThe new device, with an artificial intelligence-based voice development capability, is capable of reproducing the voices of heroes and puppets such as Mickey Mouse, and is able to use its voice in voice services such as Siri.
The main objective of this acquisition is to enable Siri to compete with Alexa or Google's virtual assistant, and also to offer more attractive services for young audiences with voice playback of cartoons or heroes, a distinctive feature.
DataTiger is a company founded in 2017 that provides its clients with a series of tools to optimising the use of available information to improve customer retention and monetisation.
The platform aims to optimise the customer journey in real time and with omnichannel capacity. The company's competitive advantage lies in its capacity for personalisation and the possibility of integration with other applications.
Apple has decided to acquire this company with a view to improving internal marketing channels, thereby improving customer acquisition of Apple products by improving marketing and marketing channels. marketing internal.