Beneficiaries of the CDTI programme "FEDER Innterconecta 2016".
Diego Gutiérrez
Beneficiaries of the CDTI programme "FEDER Innterconecta 2016".

Find out about the main features and requirements of the last call for proposals of the ERDF Innterconecta 2016 grant programme and some of the projects and companies that were beneficiaries.

Find out about the main features and requirements of the last call for proposals of the ERDF Innterconecta 2016 grant programme and some of the projects and companies that were beneficiaries.

About Innterconecta

El CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tccnológico Industrial) como gestor de FEDER (Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional) a partir de la ronda 2007 – 2013, diseñó un instrumento de carácter regional para potenciar la generación de capacidades innovadoras en las regiones menos desarrolladas a través de la financiación de proyectos de desarrollo experimental realizados mediante consorcios empresariales: FEDER Innterconecta.

Through this instrument, the CDTI has sought to promote cooperation at regional level, the implementation of projects geared to the needs of the regions and the generation of innovative capacities that promote greater territorial cohesion.

Las convocatorias de FEDER Innterconecta cuentan con la cofinanciación de FEDER a través de los distintos Programas Operativos en los que el CDTI ha sido Organismo Intermedio. En la ronda 2014 – 2020, las convocatorias se cofinanciarán a través del Programa Operativo Pluri-Regional de Crecimiento Inteligente.


FEDER Innterconecta 2016

The aim of the ERDF Innterconecta 2016 call for proposals was to support experimental development projects in the form of cooperation projects between companies. This call was intended only to finance projects developed in the geographical area of the Communities of Andalusia, the Canary Islands, Castilla La Mancha, Extremadura, Galicia and Murcia and the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

The themes of the projects presented had to respond to one of the eight Social Challenges previously established in the Order of regulatory bases:
- Health, demographic change and well-being.
- Food safety and quality; productive and sustainable agriculture, natural resources, marine and maritime research.
- Safe, efficient and clean energy.
- Intelligent, sustainable and integrated transport.
- Action on climate change and efficiency in the use of resources and raw materials.
- Social changes and innovations.
- Digital economy and society.
- Security, safety and defence.

The minimum eligible budget was €1M and the maximum budget was €4M, with projects having a mandatory multi-annual duration.


Beneficiaries of FEDER Innterconecta 2016

ERDF Innterconecta 2016 beneficiary clusters had to be made up of at least two autonomous enterprises between them, of which at least one of them had to be large or medium-sized and the other had to be an SME. The maximum number of enterprises in the grouping was six, and none of the autonomous enterprises in the grouping, nor any group of linked or associated enterprises, could exceed 70% of the project's bankable budget.

Some of the companies and projects that benefited from the FEDER Innterconecta 2016 programme are:

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