Device monitoring, energy savings, wireless charging of devices, low-power wi-fi are some of the applications that the internet of things is enabling. We have carried out a study of which technologies are being invested in.
Analysis of the Internet of Things for energy
The UPV is designing software that allows industries to save up to 15% of their electricity through a tool that evaluates in which processes a company can make its energy demand more flexible, consume less and offer it to the market.
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IK4-ikerlan nos comunican su proyecto europeo Arrowhead que busca la eficiencia energética y la flexibilidad del consumo a través de dispositivos conectados entre si en “Ahorrar energía gracias al internet de las cosas”.
Thingscity publica un artículo sobre una red de sensores que utiliza la energía cosechada, que proviene de los cambios de temperatura, las vibraciones, el viento y la luz en “Texas Instruments construye una energía alternativa para Internet de las Cosas (IoT)”
Javier Pastor from Xataka tells us about a new source of energy: our human body in "The human body".Human movement will provide energy in the IoT".
If you want to get the full analysis of the Internet of Things in the field of energy, please contact us.