Analysis of the investment in Automotive Suppliers. Teknia acquires Bravo Enterprises.
Diego Gutiérrez
Analysis of the investment in Automotive Suppliers. Teknia acquires Bravo Enterprises.

We study the main data of the investment rounds that have taken place in recent years in Automotive Suppliers. We also analyse the acquisition of Bravo Enterprises by Teknia Group.

About Teknia

Teknia Group took its first steps in 1992 with a small tube handling business made up of a team of 29 people. Since then, the Bizkaia-based group, now dedicated to the development of automotive components, has managed to multiply its sales a hundredfold, reaching €320M in turnover in 2017 (unaudited data, according to the company).

Teknia Group aims to close 2018 with a turnover of €400M and to reach €700M in five years. Currently, the number of Teknia Group's production plants in the world amounts to 23 locations in 15 countries.


About Bravo Enterprises

Mecanizados Norte Bravo, cuyo nombre comercial es Bravo Enterprises, es una empresa tecnológica especializada en la fundición y mecanizado de piezas de metal no férrico (principalmente aluminio) para el sector del automóvil.

Its products include steering systems, starter motors and alternators, pumps, electronic components and gearboxes.

Founded in 1980, Bravo Enterprises is an investee of Corpfin Capital and Familias Bravo y Arrizabalaga. In 2003, Corpfin Capital took a majority stake in Bravo Enterprises in order to drive its international growth.


Teknia buys Bravo Enterprises

The Biscayan automotive components company Teknia Group has acquired the 100% of Mecanizados Norte Bravo (Bravo Enterprises), as well as its subsidiaries in Mexico and Romania, thus incorporating three new plants and 530 workers.

The acquisition of Bravo Enterprises, the amount of which has not been disclosed, brings to Teknia Group a turnover of €43M, making it the largest addition to the turnover of the Biscayan multinational in its 26-year history.

With this operation, Teknia incorporates three new plants in Ampuero (Cantabria), Tepeji del Río (Mexico) and Oradea (Romania), with a total workforce of 530 employees. As a result, the group now has 23 plants in 15 countries and some 3,200 workers.

The CEO of Teknia Group, Javier Lazpita, assures that "the incorporation of the technology of injection and machining of aluminium parts opens up new possibilities for growth in the markets in which Teknia is currently present, and even in those in which it is not yet present".

Latest investment rounds in Automotive Suppliers

KalturaKaltura is an open source video editing platform that allows you to enhance your web pages with customisable video, photo and audio features.USA$50M2016
PlaybuzzPlaybuzz is a storytelling platform that offers publishers and brands interactive tools to create engaging editorial and commercial content.USA$35M2017
DubdubDubdub is a mobile video creation platform that offers a variety of tools to help brands, influencers and individuals create, edit and share high quality, monetisable videos.Canada$5M2016
AlughaAlugha specialises in easily transforming any online video into multilingual and connects producers with dubbers and translators.Germany$2,5M2016
RedDoorzCamerai is a cross-platform graphics engine with the first AR studio for developers who want to deliver revolutionary user experiences.Israel$2,5M2017

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