Analysis of companies in the TIME sector on the MAB in 2017
Diego Gutiérrez
Analysis of companies in the TIME sector on the MAB in 2017

Find out the main financial data, share prices and the most relevant events in 2017 of the 10 companies in the TIME sector (Telecom, Internet, Media & Entertainment) that are part of the Alternative Stock Market.

Find out the main financial data, share prices and the most relevant events in 2017 of the 10 companies in the TIME sector (Telecom, Internet, Media & Entertainment) that are part of the Alternative Stock Market.

Financial data of the TIME sector on the MAB in 2017


CompanyInvestment* Investment* Investment* Investment* Investment* Investment* Investment* Investment* Investment* Investment* Investment* InvestmentEBITDATurnoverGrowthProfitabilitySolvencyDate
AGILE CONTENT4081.5724.691-67333,51%4,9530/06/2017
CLEVER GLOBAL5.7332.0856.970-3,60%29,92%4,632016
EURONA TELECOM76.8431.54069.599177,35%2,21%40,112016
GIGAS HOSTING1.722-1864.83428,98%-3,85%-13,322016
THINK SMART2.85682314.90611,55%5,52%6,832016


TIME sector share prices on the MAB in 2017


CompanyEligible capitalNo. of shares
(x 1.000)
CapitalisationCash* Cash* Cash* Cash* Cash* Cash* Cash* Cash* Cash* Cash* Cash* Cash* Cash* Cash
AGILE CONTENT1.15311.52916.7171.332
CLEVER GLOBAL15715.72215.408265
EURONA TELECOM42.17442.17488.98712.198
GIGAS HOSTING864.27514.8771.640
THINK SMART5735.7328.541634


Highlights of the TIME sector on the MAB in 2017


CompanyActivityRelevant fact
AGILE CONTENTCloud solutions for media, advertisers and telecom operators.Agile Content buys Over The Top Networks for €6.9M and strengthens its position in the pay-TV business.
ALTIAIT consultancy and ICT solutions for the industrial, financial, services, telecommunications and public administration sectors.Altia completes its merger process with the technology company QED Systems.
CLEVER GLOBALTechnology Services and Outsourcing, specialising in global management of suppliers and contractors.Clever Global acquires Prevecon and expands its occupational health and safety services.
EURONA TELECOMIndependent telecommunications operator offering telephony and Internet access services.Eurona adds 8,646,480 shares to the MAB's Expansion Companies segment.
FACEPHIFacial Recognition Technology with a strong focus on the financial sectorICBC Argentina (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) will use Facephi's technology to authenticate its customers through its app.
GIGAS HOSTINGSpanish multinational specialising in Cloud Computing services.Gigas signs an agreement with Inveready Convertible Finance to issue convertible bonds of up to €2.5M with a seven-year maturity.
NETEXLearning technology solutions for the business-professional and publishing-educational fields.Netex incorporates 8,865,610 shares to the MAB's Expansion Companies segment.
SECUOYAAudiovisual Services, Content creation and production and Communication and Marketing.-
THINK SMARTDevelopment of technology for sales performance (Sales Performance).Think Smart incorporates 5,731,938 shares into the MAB's Expansion Companies segment.
VOZTELECOMCloud Communications Services for SMEs.-


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