The new call for R&D projects will soon be open for the 2017 Collaboration Challenges
Diego Gutiérrez
The new call for R&D projects will soon be open for the 2017 Collaboration Challenges

The aim of Retos-Colaboración is to promote experimental development projects in collaboration between companies and research organisations. Last year, this aid has been novel in that SMEs in the autonomous communities of Andalusia, the Canary Islands, Castile-La Mancha, Ceuta, Extremadura, Galicia, Melilla, Asturias and Murcia received grants to finance their actions in 2016.

Characteristics of the aid

Although the call for applications has not yet been issued, it is expected to be issued soon. Here is a link to last year's call for applications.

The main features include:

The grants are intended to finance experimental development projects, in collaboration between public and private research centres such as IAT and companies (with participation of at least 60%) with the aim of promoting research aimed at solving societal challenges through the development of new products and services.

Minimum budget: €500,000.

Financing: for companies, loans at Euribor up to 95% of the budget. NEW: for the 2016 call, SMEs in Andalusia, the Canary Islands, Castile-La Mancha, Ceuta, Extremadura, Galicia, Melilla, Asturias and Murcia will be eligible for grants. For technology centres subsidy

Do you think your company could benefit? Success stories call 2016

The grants can be framed within the different collaboration challenges proposed by Mineco, such as health, energy, intelligent transport, environment, social change and innovations, marine research, digital society and digital security.

In the 2016 call for proposals, several companies in the field of health were selected. Here are some examples


 Abra-Invest has a team of experts in alternative financing at your disposal, if you think you can participate in this call, please contact us. Call + 34 946424142 or fill in the contact form. 

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