Iberoeka Spain-Mexico bilateral call of CDTI and CONACYT will be opened soon.
Diego Gutiérrez
Iberoeka Spain-Mexico bilateral call of CDTI and CONACYT will be opened soon.
The CDTI of the Government of Spain and the National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) of the Government of Mexico signed a Collaboration Agreement in 2008 with the aim of promoting industrial, technological and scientific cooperation between companies and research centres in both countries.


Beneficiaries and requirements

Projects will be submitted by a Consortium formed by a minimum of 3 members: a Spanish leader (company), a Mexican leader (company), and at least one Spanish Research Centre or a Mexican Higher Education Institution.

The project will be submitted in both Spain and Mexico; in Spain through CDTI and in Mexico through CONACYT. The proposal must have a positive evaluation in both countries to be eligible. Member requirements according to origin:
For Spain, the minimum consortium can be a company. Research Centres, Universities, Technology Centres must be subcontracted.
In the case of Mexico, the minimum Consortium has to be composed of 2 entities, a company in association with a Higher Education Institution or Research Centre.
Projects have a maximum duration of 48 months.


Types of projects

projects should be developed within the following technological areas:

– Salud: plataformas TI, dispositivos médicos, farmacéutica, entre otras, en particular para atender problemas de diabetes, hipertensión, cáncer de mama, manufactura inteligente entre otras
– Energía: TI, generación, almacenamiento y distribución, manufactura inteligente, entre otras
– Sociedad: TI para ciudades inteligentes, desarrollo urbano, transporte, comunicaciones, seguridad, medio ambiente, manufactura inteligente, entre otras
– Aeronáutica/Aeroespacial: vehículos tripulados, no tripulados, satélites, manufactura inteligente, entre otros
– Agroalimentos: biotecnología, TI, conservación, logística de distribución, genética, manufactura inteligente, entre otros
– Agua: aprovechamiento, saneamiento, distribución, manufactura inteligente entre otros


Financing modality for Spanish companies

The aid modality for the project will be a Partially Reimbursable Aid, with a financial coverage of up to 75% of the total approved budget, which may reach up to 85% on an exceptional basis. In any case, the aid granted will never exceed the aid requested for the project by the company.
This support may include a non-reimbursable tranche (NTR) depending on the characteristics of the project and the beneficiary.

If you think that your company could benefit from these grants, do not hesitate to contact us. Abra-Invest has a team of experts in public financing at your disposal. Call us on +34 946424142 or fill in the contact form.

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