Aid for Reindustrialisation and Aid for the promotion of industrial competitiveness 2015;
Diego Gutiérrez
Aid for Reindustrialisation and Aid for the promotion of industrial competitiveness 2015;
Two calls for proposals focused on the industrial sector have been launched: aid for industrialisation and aid for the promotion of industrial competitiveness. These grants will be open until 1 June 2015. Their characteristics are detailed below:

Characteristics common to both types of aid:

Minimum project budget 75,000 euros.

Aid coverage maximum 75% of the project's bankable budget.

10-year loan modality (3-year grace period), at rates according to project score. Minimum 1.656% and maximum 4.34%.

Requires 10% loan guarantees.

Features of reindustrialisation aid


Industrial activities involving the creation of industrial establishments, relocation and expansion of production capacity. Companies located in specific locations in Andalusia, Castile-Leon and Extremadura are given priority, although any other location in Spain may apply.

Eligible expenditure:

Civil Works and Building (max 70% of the project budget) and procurement of equipment.

Features of the aid for the promotion of industrial competitiveness 2015


General manufacturing industry.

Manufacture of alternative energy vehicles, their equipment and components and manufacture of products linked to their infrastructure of use.

Aerospace industry.

Subsidised actions

Industrial investments for upgrading and/or modification of existing production lines.

Eligible expenditure:

Civil Works and Building.

Procurement of equipment.

Production process engineering (max 30% of the project budget).


If you think that your company can benefit from these grants, do not hesitate to contact us, ABRA-INVEST has a team of experts in public financing at your disposal.

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