Torres Quevedo 2015: grants for the recruitment of PhDs and doctoral students
Diego Gutiérrez
Torres Quevedo 2015: grants for the recruitment of PhDs and doctoral students
The application period for the aid for the recruitment of PhDs ("Ayuda Torres Quevedo") and PhD students ("Ayuda Doctorandos Industriales") that the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness offers for the incorporation of human resources dedicated to R&D and innovation in Spain is now open.


Aid modality

 This is aid in the form of subsidy (Salary + Social Security of the contracted employee) which can range from 25% to 70% (depending on the size of the company and the type of R&D project to which the employee is assigned)


Application deadline:

Torres Quevedo: until 25 March at 15:00.

Industrial doctorates: until 17 March at 15:00.


Characteristics help Torres Quevedo:

Aid for 3 years

I hire only doctors.

Maximum eligible contract of 55,000 euros/year and minimum eligible contract of 18,000 euros/year.

Doctors who have had an employment relationship with the company between 13/Dec/12 and 13/March/14 will not be recruited.

Características ayuda «Doctorandos industriales»:

Aid for 4 years.

Contrato sólo a «Doctorandos» (matriculados en curso de doctorado).

Maximum eligible contract 21,800 euros/year and minimum eligible contract of 16,400 euros/year.

Contracts of doctoral students who are already in force on the day of submitting the application for this grant will not be accepted.

Nor may they have received any other aid in the previous 12 months.


If you think that your company could benefit from these grants, do not hesitate to contact us, ABRA-INVEST has a team of public finance experts at your service.


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