Acció 10: Boosting innovation and internationalisation of Catalan companies
Diego Gutiérrez
Acció 10: Boosting innovation and internationalisation of Catalan companies
ACTION10 is the agency attached to the Department of Enterprise and Employment of the Generalitat de Catalunya, which supports Catalan companies, promoting innovation, internalisation and growth, with the aim of making them competitive.

Aid for internationalisation

Acció 10 offers a line of loans for the funding of working capital and investments in companies carrying out innovation, internationalisation and industrialisation projects. The amount of this help is a minimum of € 50,000 and a maximum of € 500,000 for working capital and € 100,000,000 for investment. The interest rate applied will be Euribor + 5.75%. The maximum period of the aid will be 4 years 4 years for the working capital and 7 years for the investment. investment.
In addition, Acció10 offers several services of consultancy We help companies to get started in the world of exports, helping them to determine the products and services with the greatest export potential, as well as the countries and channels that are most suitable for the company.
It also offers a group of aids to promote grouping and cooperation between companies for the internationalisation of their products.

Innovation grants

Accio10 also provides grants to encourage R&D activities carried out in Catalonia in projects with a minimum budget of €100,000 and which fall within the cross-cutting enabling technologies identified in the RIS3CAT strategy (ICT, Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials, Photonics, Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing). Eligible costs are personnel costs, equipment acquisition, R&D-related costs, costs of disseminating the project results and auditing costs. The deadline for grant applications is 10 July.

It also offers other types of subsidies to encourage R&D actions in transnational cooperation and aimed at the development of a new product, process or application or an innovative technology-based service. These companies must have an operational establishment in Catalonia and must have previously applied to the international call of the Manunet programme. The projects must have a high potential for commercialisation in international markets and must demonstrate the equal contribution of the two regions (in terms of R&D activities, budget and commitment of the companies in the exploitation). The deadline for grant applications is 17 July.

If you think that your company could benefit from any of the following aids, do not hesitate to contact us, ABRA-INVEST has a highly experienced team in public funding at your service.

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