Minetur has approved the Emprendetur R+D+i programme for innovative projects in the tourism sector. This programme is divided into two sub-programmes: Empredetur I+D (€10M) and Emprendetur Desarrollo de Productos Innovadores (€35M). The aid will be in the form of a loan at an interest rate of 0.698% and can be applied for until 14 July.
Characteristics of the aid
The grants are aimed at Spanish individuals and companies and are intended to provide loan financing for projects and business models within the fields of scientific and technological knowledge in the tourism sector, classified into energy and sustainability, ICT, materials and construction, humanities, society and legal sciences, transport and associated services, business management and accessibility, for each of which a series of R&D&I lines are highlighted.
Type of aid:
The loans may cover up to 75% of the bankable budget of the project, up to a maximum of EUR 1,000,000, with a fixed interest rate of 0.698% and a repayment period of 5 years, including a 2-year grace period. Guarantees are required for an amount of 36% of the aid.
Concepts eligible for aid
– Gastos de personal.
– Costes de instrumental y material inventariable, en la medida y durante el período en que se utilice para el proyecto.
– Costes de investigación contractual, conocimientos técnicos y patentes adquiridas u obtenidas por licencia de fuentes externas a precios de mercado.
– Se establece la compensación de los gastos generales y su imputación al proyecto en un tanto alzado máximo del 20% de los costes totales de personal del proyecto, sin necesidad de justificación.
– Otros gastos de funcionamiento, incluidos costes de material, suministros y productos similares que se deriven directamente de la actividad del proyecto.
Examples of projects approved in the 2015 call
At Abra-Invest, we can help you to make your project a success in this Emprendetur R&D&I call. If you have a project that you want to submit to this call, please contact us at + 34 946424142 or by filling out the contact form.
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