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Who are the top tech giants: The titans of technology

Who are the top tech giants: The titans of technology

In recent decades, we have witnessed an unprecedented revolution in technology. From the advent of the first computers to the global spread of the Internet, technology has penetrated every aspect of our daily lives. In...

European M&A market update: Global Dealmakers 2023

Global Dealmakers 2023: European M&A market update

The European M&A market in 2023 has gone through a tumultuous period marked by several macroeconomic and geopolitical challenges. The combination of rising interest rates, rising energy costs and geopolitical uncertainties, in combination with the...

Capital Increase: What do you need to know?

Capital Increase: What do you need to know?

The capital increase operation is opposed to a capital reduction. This is an operation whereby a company increases its share capital in order to: Increase the nominal value of shares or holdings; Issue new shares or holdings. Certain...

Business growth: What it is and key to success

Business growth: What it is and key to success

Business growth is a crucial aspect of any organisation's long-term success. In this article, we will explore in depth what business growth is and what are the factors that drive it. We will also explain how you can...